Wednesday, February 6, 2008

C25K - W4D2 - This is just rough!

I did my run this morning and I was just not into it. I did my 2nd Week 4 run like I am supposed to, but it might be one of the first times I was not looking forward to it. They say that you should only move ahead in the program if you are comfortable with the schedule of that week, and this might be the first time I might not go onto the next week. I'll see what happens after my Friday run.

Breathe in, Breathe out
In the first few weeks of the C25K, I was out of breath very quickly, so I turned to the Internet for some advice. After going through a few websites, I found the 3:2 Breathing Technique that I use today. There are supposed to be some great advantages to it, but it does take my mind off of the running since I have to think about how I am going to breathe. To quote a great runner
"Breathe through your mouth. Breathe through your nose. Suck the air in through your ears, if you can." Arthur Lydiard.

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