Monday, February 18, 2008

C25K - W6D1 - Take it to the limit one more time

I don't look ahead at the C25K schedule, so I was not sure what I was going to run this morning. After starting the podcast, I come to realize that this is the "25 minute week" where we come very close to running a 5K on Day 3. I'm pretty excited about it, but I learned a few things from my 1st run this morning:

  1. Do not run on an empty tank. Although I ran for a longer distance today than normal, I was physically drained very early into the run.
  2. Get a good night of sleep before a long run. I'm not sure what I will do on the day of my first 5k, but I do know that 5 hours of sleep will not cut it.
  3. I have to have a headband on my runs :)
It was a good overall run minus those issues, so I feel I am ready for the two 10 minute runs on Wednesday.

On the weight side of life, I am satisfied with my calorie intake this week with all of the events that I attended (Two fancy event dinners and Valentine's Day). Since the exercise part of JalopyJosh is doing well, I need to have a renewed vision to lower my current weight. I think I would be a MUCH better runner when I am back at my weight goal, so here's my personal plan to get back on track:
  1. Revisit the habits that I learned during my previous weight loss efforts.
  2. Plan a goal of 5 lbs. weight loss per month over the next 6 months.
  3. If I am not close to reaching these goals within the first few months, I will pay the money and go back to my previous weight loss method until I am where I need to be.
Since everything within the exercise and diet part of my life will be publicly available, I'll start blogging about the C25K as well as the weight loss progress starting on March 1st. In the next few weeks, I will test out some food plans and methods that will help me get the weight down and we'll see how this works!

1 comment:

Mom of Two Boys said...

Josh, it looks like you're kicking some serious butt with your C25k program and it's great that you're revisiting an old weight loss program too.

I just started C25k last week so it's encouraging to hear that you were struggling in the beginning too and now look at what you can do!!

I'm on Weight Watchers and have lost almost 40lbs on it... Is that how you lost your 85lbs??