Wednesday, February 27, 2008

C25K - W7D2 - Baby it's cold outside

Today was a great day for a run... if I were not wearing shorts. This is the second time I have made the mistake of not checking the temperature before going out for my run. One of these days I will learn my lesson and check out before I get out of the house.

I usually have a lot of thoughts that get into my head when I am running, but the one that stood out today was "I wonder how far I ran today?". I decided that I would drive around the block and check my odometer and my calculations say that I did 2 miles in 25 minutes. I think that it is a little slow, but I am not about to fartlek training just yet. I just want to get through being able to run a 5K without walking, which I believe I will be able to do by the end of March.

If you are looking for a free way to see how far you are running, try the Google Map Pedometer.
The utility is free and was pretty close to my manual calculations from the car.

What I learned today:
I need to work hard to run a 5K, and even harder to get a better 5K time.
Need to check out the weather before I go for my run.
When it comes down to race day, I need to concentrate on the race and not whatever else is going on in my head.

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