Thursday, April 3, 2008

C25K - W9D2 - Finally it has happened to me

Hot and sweaty from my run 10 minutes ago, I'm going straight into the "Lessons Learned" part of this run:

1) A 30 minute run after a big dinner is a bad thing. I felt like I had to throw up for the final 10 minutes of the run and it felt like I had a 25 lbs weight in the middle of my stomach. Bad idea.

2) Late runs are not too bad. My run was within the condo complex with some decent lighting and I did not have any issues with kids and dogs. Even without my glasses, I was able to run with ease.

3) Humidity is not fun. I guess it was a blessing in disguise that I started the C25K when it was cool outside for my area. It must have been 80 degrees with 90% humitidy and I am soaked with a wicking shirt on.

4) I will three 30 minute runs this week. Come hell or high water, it will be done this week

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