Tuesday, April 8, 2008

C25K - W9D? - I'm just not that into you

For some reason, I am making some great excuses not to run 3 times a week. A change in my day-to-day schedule is taking it's toll, but I know it is my own fault for not running on schedule. I will make a public pledge to run after work today, no matter what other things I need to do.

I also need to push my weight loss efforts to the front of my personal priority list. I am tired of knowing that all of my clothes are a little too tight and that I should weight less than I do now. I am doing better with my eating habits, but I sabotage myself on a monthly basis to make sure that I don't see a difference in the scale. That needs to stop, and it will stop this week!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey man, don't be too hard on yourself. You're at the end of a long hard road (Couch to 5k). Be proud of yourself for making it this far. Not many people do.

And what's a little extra weight? You've lost it before, so you know how to do it. You're reaffirming your commitment to running and weight loss in this post today, so don't kill yourself over what happened yesterday. You can do it, man, so go do it.

Keep up the good work on the blog, too. I'm enjoying it a lot.