Wednesday, February 20, 2008

C25K - W6D2 - 20 is the new 50!

The C25K program is now a part of my daily routine, but the exercise itself is still hard to do. I woke up this morning, got my water and bananna, and went of for 30 minutes of walking and running.

After a quick warmup, I started on my first 10 minute run... and almost tripped in the process. I never knew that sticks and small branches on a side walk would be so menacing. After the 3 minute cool down walk, there was another 10 mintue run in my future. Two laps around the block and one barking dog later, I was done. I can say for certain that my 20 minutes of running felt like 50 minutes of exercise.

Food is still an issue for me right now, but I have taken the first step to help me get back on track. I took my left over "The Big Game" snacks and threw them out, and I will start to throw out or donate any trigger foods that cause me to eat more than I should. It's ironic that I lost so much weight with a controled calorie count and little exercise, and now I can exercise 3 days a week and I can't control my caloric intake without a fight. I need to put these two together to get back down to my weight goal!

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